For Repairs That You Can Depend On, Call Our Team Today
At Vredevoogd, we know that reliable air conditioning is vital to a comfortable home in the middle of summer. Without an AC that can turn on as soon as you need it, you are at risk of sitting in a home that is too warm and humid to comfortably relax in. Don’t we all want our homes to be an oasis of comfort? That’s why we have dedicated our lives to ensuring that our neighbors in Holland, MI have access to AC repairs that are excellent, meaning you can get back to a comfortable home fast. Contact our team today to get AC repairs you can depend on in Holland, MI.Â
How Do I Know That My AC Needs Repair?
Many times, we hear from clients who waited weeks and even months to call us out to inspect their AC unit simply because they weren’t sure whether or not there was even a need for repair. Oftentimes, homeowners wait until their AC unit is totally non-functioning to even make a call to an AC repair team—typically because they were unsure if what they were experiencing was serious enough to warrant a call. At Vredevoogd, we believe that the sooner damage is addressed in your AC unit, the better! That’s why it’s so important to keep an eye out for signs that your AC unit might have some damage that needs repair. Here are just a few signs to watch for that can help keep your AC unit operating in top shape:
An Unexpectedly High Electric Bill
One of the most common signs you might see that indicates your AC unit might be in need of repair is an unexpected rise in your electricity bill. If you are like most homeowners, after living in the same place for a while, you can likely estimate what your electricity bill will be each month. However, if you notice a bill that is noticeably higher than you expected, and you can’t think of an obvious reason for that increase, there is a chance your AC unit is the culprit. When your AC unit is damaged, it might have to exert more energy to do the same job of cooling your home. Because of this increase in energy usage, you will see a spike in your bill. So if you’ve noticed a rise in your electricity bill without reason, give us a call today! We can help identify and remedy whatever AC issue you might be experiencing.
Longer And More Frequent AC Cycles
Throughout the day, your AC unit turns on and runs a cycle in an effort to keep your home at the temperature you have your thermostat set to. These cycles are triggered each time the temperature in your home goes above the temperature you have set on your thermostat. A well-functioning AC unit should be able to return your home to your desired temperature with a cycle that lasts anywhere between 15 and 25 minutes. However, if your AC has a repair need, you might notice that your AC cycles are lasting longer and happening more frequently. If you’ve noticed either of these things, there is very likely unresolved AC damage that needs to be addressed in order to ensure your AC unit is functioning efficiently.Â
Strange Noises Coming From Your AC Unit
An easier-to-spot sign that your unit might be in need of repair is if you start to hear odd sounds coming from your AC unit. These noises can occur at any point in your AC’s cycle—from turning on, to running, and even when shutting down. Often, these noises include whirring, grinding, or squealing. If you notice any of these sounds at any point in your AC cycle, then you will definitely want to call for AC repair immediately. These sounds can be a sign that there are internal parts of your AC unit that have disconnected, broken, or become locked—all of which can produce even more damage if the unit is allowed to run with these issues present. So the first time you hear a strange noise coming from your AC unit, be sure to give Vredevoogd a call!
While these are just a few common signs that your AC unit is in need of repair, there are many other things you might notice that could make you wonder if your AC unit is fully functioning. If you suspect you might have hidden AC damage, don’t hesitate to give our team a call! We can help answer any questions you might have and even schedule an inspection to help determine what exactly is going on with your air conditioning system.Â
Common AC Repair Needs In Holland, MI
At Vredevoogd, we have seen every AC issue under the sun! From leaking refrigerant to blown connections, we know the ins and outs of AC repair needs. Some of the most common issues we see in regard to AC repair needs in Holland, MI include:
- Capacitor Replacement
- Refrigerant Recharging
- Connection ReplacementsClearing the Condensate Drain
- And More!
If you want to work with a team that has experience with every kind of AC repair imaginable, then call Vredevoogd today! With our HVAC professionals, you can count on their expertise and experience, as well as their care and compassion. Call us today to get AC Repair in Holland, MI.Â
Don’t Waste Any Time! Get In Touch With Our Vredevoogd Today
As soon as you suspect you might have AC damage in Holland, MI, it’s important that you call our team out immediately. Every cycle that runs while your AC unit is damaged has the opportunity to damage the unit more and more. To help prevent further damage and keep your home comfortable year-round, call Vredevoogd today.